Death of a Salesman
The 14 St Y, New York City. 2008.
Brigham Young University, Utah. 2009.
NYU Abu Dhabi. 2011.
BAM Fisher, New York City. 2017.
Directed by Rubén Polendo.
Set by Rubén Polendo, Leighton Mitchell, and Kate Ashton.
Costumes by Candida Nichols.
Lighting by Kate Ashton.
Sound by Alex Hawthorn.
Mask Design by Lori Petermann.
Production Manager: Leighton Mitchell.
Stage Manager: Hilary Austin.
All photos by Candida K. Nichols.
“...visceral, epic version of the famous play. Theatricality like this requires true bravery and a great deal of intelligence to be done effectively...The direction, acting, music, design, and technical components of this play are all nothing short of marvelous. Director Rubén Polendo has put together a grand, beautiful, and powerfully moving production... The stark and stunning set is designed by Kate Ashton, Leighton Mitchell, and Polendo... This play is especially relevant given the current economic situation and nobody with a taste for the epic and imaginative should miss Theater Mitu's Death of a Salesman.” -Mitchell Conway, nytheatre.com
"Polendo and Kate Ashton's minimalist set design gives the sense of an immaculate warehouse space... Bursting with color (Ashton also designed the lighting) and featuring an original score by Ellen Reid and Ada Westfall captivatingly performed by Westfall, Theater Mitu's revival breathes new life into Salesman." - Pete Hempstead, theatermania.com