Bristol Riverside Theatre, Bristol, Pennsylvania. January 29 - February 17, 2013.
Directed by Richard Edelman.
Set by Roman Tatarowicz.
Costumes by Linda Bee Stockton.
Lighting by Kate Ashton.
Photos by Roman Tatarowicz.
“Roman Tatarowicz’s impressive set design is cozy and threatening at the same time: comfy country furnishings and all those weapons against red-lined display cases. Lighting by Kate Ashton heightens the effect... This play is drop-dead fun.” -Bob Brown,
“Scenic designer Roman Tatarowicz has crafted a beautifully unnerving set, with murder weapons gaily displayed on every wall and surface. Theater cards and posters of Sidney’s hit plays cover the dark walls wherever pieces of his ancient weapon collection are not hanging. Lighting by Kate Ashton add greatly to the atmosphere, especially during a climactic thunderstorm.” -Dante J.J. Bevilacqua,